Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Feet!

I DID IT! I joined a wellness program last March: 100 miles in 100 days. I logged out on June 30th at about 115 miles. Sometimes I walked by myself; sometimes with Larry. A few times I walked-ran. More than a few I hiked with Larry. On my most ambitious day (while we were camping at Blackwater Falls) I logged over 7 miles. And the benefit is feeling better and stronger and able to keep going even on days that follow short-changed nights of sleep. My goal now is to keep up the mile a day average and keep walking. I'm having fewer problems with my joints as well. Wish I could say I'd dropped some weight, but that seems to be a hopeless struggle. Ah well, one can't ask for everything. But I definitely recommend a regular regimen of walking. And if you can throw in a little hiking to some beautiful vistas - well that's just the reward at the end of the trail.

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