Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Beautiful Fall Weather Calls for a Walk in the Park!

Goodness! It's been ages since I posted here. But today I was so thrilled with the beauty of God's world, I decided it was time for a Camp Kreitzer update from Seven Bends State Park. It's only five minutes from home and is becoming our go to place to take a walk. A prime advantage for two oldies is that so many of the paths are flat! So here goes. Near the parking lot is a little history of the park parcel. Much of the acreage used to be used by Massanutten Military Academy as a camp. There are markers all over the park that tell about its history.

One of the particular pleasures of Seven Bends is its location along the river which explains its name since "seven bends" relates to the ribbon-like meandering of the Shenandoah. If you go up to the Woodstock tower you can see the river like a piece of ribbon candy twisting back and forth.

Enjoy some of the photos from the park today.

Several fisherman enjoyed the day. I spoke to one who caught two fish but threw them back.

I love the little knotweed. A few bumblebees were collecting nectar from it, but no honeybees.

I'm fascinated by trees, both living and dead. I wonder how old this monster group is.

Like an artist the river creates sculptures by "gluing" stones to this large piece of concrete.

Some markers along the trail tell a story for the children. The author, Lisa Currie, is in our bee club. 

There are still plenty of fall flowers to enjoy.

Come visit. We'll go to the park and then make a stop at the vineyard, a perfect way to spend a fall day!

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