Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Babies Are Here! Six Little Chicks!

I've been bugging my husband for about ten years that I wanted to get chickens. He resisted big time and I didn't want to do it without his agreement. So, as I approached my diamond birthday. I said, "All I want for my birthday are chickens." How could he not say yes?

This little girl is a Plymouth Blue. Shall I give the chicks pirate names?
She can be Bluebeard's Daughter or Bonnie Blue(beard).

Today we went to Tractor Supply and I got six two-day-old baby chicks (who should all grow up to be hens since we paid extra for pullets, young hens) and a starter kit. They are now happily enjoying their new home where they will stay for at least a few weeks. 

A big plastic container makes the perfect temporary home!

And they love the "sun" that keeps them warm and also gives them a rosy glow.

Once they outgrow the container, if we aren't ready to put them outside, I'll use a little pen in the garage. Yes, I know chickens are smelly and make a mess, but I'll just clean 'em up every day until they can go outside to the coop which has yet to be built. The question now is, do we get one already made that needs to be put together or start from scratch? I leave that decision to the builder.

This little yellow baby is an Orpington. Now what would be
a good pirate name for her?
Buttercup Barnacle?

I picked out breeds that are calm and docile. I don't relish the grandkids getting pecked to death. So I got a Welsummer because the clerk said they have beautiful colored eggs (or was that the Americauna? I got two of those), an ISA Brown, an Orpington, and a Plymouth Blue. I expect by next year if the predators haven't eaten our chickens I will be as enthusiastic about them as I am about our bees and boring people to death talking about them.

Old folks thrive on new adventures. These babies, I'm sure, will help keep me young -- or at least young at heart! And maybe we'll have a "Name the babies" contest with prizes for those chosen. 

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