Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Biking the Schoodic Peninsula

 Acadia really is glorious. Yesterday we biked the Schoodic Peninsula and then drove to Schoodic Point after dinner to watch the sun set. The weather here has been beautiful -- sunny but cool with a pleasant ocean breeze that is sometimes pretty blustery.

Our collapsible bikes are easy to take in the back of the car and even with the smaller wheel base, work very
 well for us.

We met some tourists from Virginia at one of the auto pull offs. I love to chat with people when we are out and about and always pray for them and everyone else whose lives we touch. Sometimes people share their challenges and what a gift to be able to pray for them when we stop to say our rosary.

The water here is incredibly blue, unlike the ocean beaches farther south. Why, I wonder? The water temperature? Less plant life in colder water? Makes me curious.

A calm inlet but not to conducive to a day at the beach.
The Maine coast here is all rocks and coves, harbors and bays. Looking at an east coast map, one goes from a fairly smooth coastline in the south interrupted by the barrier islands off North Carolina to the convoluted Maine coast littered with islands and inlets -- totally different from our southern beaches. No sand and I sure wouldn't want to be in those breakers being dashed against the rocks.

We enjoyed watching a lobster boat checking traps. You can see hundreds of little colored buoys. Each one has a tag that shows the lobsterman is registered and each has his own colored buoys to identify his traps.

The only lighthouse visible from the loop.

We drove out to Schoodic Point to watch the sun set. Lots of other folks had the same idea. I was glad I wore a jacket because the wind was blowing up a gale. It was beautiful. Out in the ocean a cruise ship was heading out to sea, probably leaving from Bar Harbor. A local gentleman told us they get cruise ships almost every day from Labor Day through October. Before that the area is just too busy. We drove over to Bar Harbor and road through the town, but that was enough for us. We enjoy being on the unbusy side of the bay with many fewer people.

This handsome fellow came out to watch the sunset at Schoodic Point too.


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