Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Broody Buttercup Never Gives Up!

Well, Buttercup is going broody again. She started yesterday puffing up and sitting in the nesting box all the time. When she's out she's pecking her coop mates and being altogether big, bossy Mama. 

Not a good situation for a happy chicken yard.

So I put her back in chicken jail. We'd like this episode to last less than the five weeks of last time. She's in the shade and has food and water and we will let her out this evening to free range with her sisters, but she'll be in lockup during the day. Hopefully the cure will only take three or four days. 

Now if only we could cure the liberal Left with just a few days of solitary confinement in a cage. Since they act like hyenas and baboons, treating them that way and putting them in the zoo seems appropriate. Biden has certainly turned the White House into a zoo -- or maybe the freak show at a fair!

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